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Travel and Tourism      


The tourism industry is an important contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Antigua and Barbuda. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure that the relevant key industry performance indicators are regularly updated in order to observe any notable changes within this dynamic industry.

The Travel and Tourism section provides data, as well as relevant analysis regarding visitors to Antigua and Barbuda, according to international standards. The data sets provided include stay-over visitor air arrivals by country of residence, length of stay, type of accommodation, purpose of visit, age and gender, which are extracted from embarkation/disembarkation (E/D) cards. Sea visitor arrivals for cruise and yacht passengers are also included, which are extracted from vessel manifests. This data is presented as a time series, by month from 2006 to present.

In agreement with the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS 2008), visitors are classified as people from another country who stay in Antigua and Barbuda more than 24 hours, but less than one year. Persons who are in transit and/or spend less than a day are not classified as visitors, and are therefore not included in the statistics provided. Total sea arrivals comprise tourists who arrive by cruise or yacht. Cruise visitors typically spend less than a day, and yacht visitors staying a day or more.

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