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International Merchandise Trade


Merchandise Trade Statistics provides data on the value and volume of trade (Imports and Exports) between Antigua & Barbuda and the rest of the World.
Trade statistics is prepared using the concepts and definition of International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS). It is compiled using the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding system (HS) and Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The HS classification for the current data is disseminated using HS2007 and SITC by SITC Rev4.
The Customs records are used as the main and preferred data source for Trade statistics. These records are processed, compiled and analyzed by the Statistics Division (SD) on a monthly basis and then disseminated to national, regional and International organizations. The SD also complete requests for Government Agencies, Business Personnel, Researchers and any other individuals who may from time to time make ad hoc requests.

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